Get to Know The Website of Dengpan Dong for Science
Active Reviewer
DD hase been an active reviewer for multiple scientific journals. He has a few hundreds of reivews.
Discussion leader of 2022 GRS for Macromolecular Solutions, Electrolytes
Discussion leader of the symposium "Materials Development to Address Environmental and Sustainability Challenges", during the 2023 ACS Annual Meeting
Prior to joining ORNL, DD used to host the CAST-UT annual conference, a local for-science forum dedicated to serve Utah minority communities academically and professionally. The conference features with notorious speakers including Nobel laureates, members of NAS, IEEE, AAAS, etc, and successful entrepreneurs.
DD has been an active volunteer for many years. When he was in Utah, he was one of the leading volunteers for on- and off-campus events. He also voluntarily contributed to the 45th and 46th Utah Asian Festival.
During the early stage of COVID-19, DD helped with the delivery of PPE to lcoal minority communities, and Native American communities in Utah.
After joining Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he continued his dedication to serving the locoal scientific community. Currently, he is the chair of social activities and well being for postdocs at ORNL
DD hosted the interview of Mrs. Wang He (Nathan Chen's mother) on the topic of "Good Parenting versus Bad Parenting: Help Your Children to Be Successful not Pushing Them"